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Should Christians Really Avoid Anti-Christian, Atheist Mental and Medical Health Professionals?

Do you think Christians should stay away from non-Christian mental health professionals? I do.

Let us, here at Christian Commander, know what your feelings are. Comment.

My commentary is that all over the world, Psychology degree programs are filled with required anti-Christian reading, classes, electives, instructors, professors and practitioners.

Christianity is not a part of the psychology courses of study offered in the overarching majority of leading public colleges and universities, while anti-Christian philosophers such as Nietzsche are required reading.

Behavior modification courses are preferred, over the healing powers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as a form of treatment for depression and other non-biological mental illnesses.

Some Christians still refer to “Dr. Jesus” as their help for healing, mentally, instead of relying on psychologists, psychiatrists, philosophers and even medical doctors.

The belief is that many people fall-off into abnormal behavior and mental illnesses like suicide, cutting, neglect. depression, anxiety or psychosis, due to defying the moral laws of God – Thereby, falling into the wiles and vices of the world, including joining gangs, alcoholism, drug abuse and sexual immortality.

For traditionalists, the Lord, the pastor, the ministers, fellow-worshipers, devout friends, family, sober and a the Holy Bible are, sufficient for sustaining normal behavior and mental health.

Some Christians ask, “Can an atheist psychologist or psychiatrist properly treat a known devout Christian in a controlled clinical setting?”

I believe it is possible, although this scenario would be a last resort for me and my loved ones.

In order to treat an acknowledged Christian, an atheist psychologist would have to be super-professional and go against every fiber of atheism.

Atheism is not only ungodly, but also anti-Christian. Just like agnosticism, paganism and Satanism.

Many Christians do not believe that a psychologist, in clinical practice, can properly treat a true Christian. Their preference is reading the Holy Bible, consulting with pastors, ministers, friends, family and-or associates who believe in Jesus.

Professional practitioners are only considered for mental healing in the case of biological, physical injury or damage.

I acknowledge that this consideration could also be due to financial reasons. If a professional shrink is not affordable, then Jesus Christ is usually the only alternative.

Do you believe that Christians should avoid non-Christian psychologists, psychiatrists and medical professionals?

Many Christians do. I cannot speak for all Christians. Generally, I’d recommend, if and when possible, avoiding Anti-Christian professional practitioners. Not because of religious discrimination or boycott, but because Jesus Christ should come first in every aspect of life.

The Lord, the Word of God, His commandments, instructions and moral standards and guides for obtaining Eternal Life in the Kingdom of God remains, the standard for deciding what constitutes abnormal behavior.



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