ABOVE LEFT: View of the Mount of Olives, facing east from the Temple Mount. View includes the Garden of Gethsemane and the Jewish Cemetery. (Photo courtesy of holylandsite.com)
ABOVE RIGHT: Facing west from the Mount of Olives, a view of the “Valley of Decision” and Jerusalem’s Eastern Gate. (Photo courtesy of pinterest)
The Mount of Olives will be the site of the most electrifying event in world history - the breathtaking return of Jesus Christ.
In the days leading up to the Last Supper, Jesus made His prophetic Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem from Bethany – a town still situated on the Mount of Olives’ southeastern hill.
He also prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane the night before He was betrayed by Judas and eventually crucified and resurrected.
Finally this same mountain - rising due east of Jerusalem’s eastern wall - is also the site where Jesus ascended into heaven 43 days after His crucifixion and 40 days after His resurrection (Acts 1).
When Jesus returns to earth and touches down, then the Mount of Olives will split from east to west and divide half-in-half from north to south – creating a huge valley perpendicular to the valley prophesied for the Battle of Armageddon (the Kidron Valley of Decision, aka Valley of Jehoshaphat).
Israelites will be able to flee through the newly-formed valley and the Lord will come with “all the holy ones with him.”
Upon His return, starting at the Mount of Olives the Lord will exterminate the global armies in the Battle of Armageddon, pronounce Final Judgment and reign on earth in the everlasting kingdom of God.
The Mount of Olives is connected to Old Jerusalem’s Eastern Gate by the Kidron Valley of Decision – aka “winepress of the wrath of God” (Revelation 14:19).
The Mount of Olives and the Eastern Gate
Like a shot of lightning from the mountain and valley, Jesus will shine in all of His glory as he prophetically enters the Eastern Gate after destroying the Anti-Christ and Satan at the Battle of Armageddon.
In AD 70, the Roman Empire condemned the Eastern Gate.
The Eastern Roman Byzantine Empire rebuilt the Gate in the sixth or seventh century. But the Gate was closed-up in 1541 by the Ottoman Empire’s Sultan Suleiman I.
Christ’s prophets foretold that the Eastern Gate would be shut up until Jesus returns to open it.
The Mount of Olives played a vital role in Jesus Christ’s life during His earthly ministry. Upon His return, it will again play a crucial role – this time in fulfilling end times prophesy and start of the kingdom of God on earth.
Sources from the Holy Bible: Daniel 2:44; Ezekiel 11:16-23; 43:1-8; 44:1-5; Psalm 24:7-10; Zechariah 9:9; 14:3-9; Joel 2:10-11; 2:32; 3:11-14; Isaiah 13:10; 24:21-23; Matthew 5:17-18; 21:1-11; 24:27-31; John 12:12-16; Revelation 16:14.