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Make That Move: Believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and your life will change for the better

Cornelius Peterson

"Make that move, right now, baby." -Shalamar

I want you, dear reader, to make that move to Christ Jesus, first, by believing in His Gospel.

If you do not know much about what that is, then read to the end of this post, and you will understand.

Some people ask me, "Why should I make that move to Christianity?" "Why should I learn about, know about or care about the gospel of Jesus Christ?”

I answer, "Because the Gospel of Jesus Christ changes lives for the better. There is power in the name of Jesus. When you make that move to Christ, you will realize something was missing, and you'll feel brand new."

Moving to believing in the Gospel of Jesus Christ is not a magic potion or an elixir, it is the work of the true and living God who has the power to grant eternal life.

Everybody needs a God to worship, whether they will admit it or not. When times get hard, when people feel overarching anxiety, fear or depression, people will pray their hearts out. Even nonbelievers. Even demons believe in Jesus, they just refuse to worship Him.

Bad move.

So I want you to make that good move.

The Lord moved on you, in you, chose you. You didn't choose Him. Now. Whether you accept or reject His calling is your own free will.

Make that move, right now.

The Gospel movement makes a life or death-type difference in human lives.

The Difference Between Heaven and Hell

My usual authentic reply to, "Why should I make that move to Christianity?" centers around the fact that everyone should know and care about what the gospel of Jesus Christ is, because accepting the gospel is the difference between going to Heaven and going to Hell, according to the Holy Bible.

More on this coming up.

What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

The gospel of Jesus Christ is the “good news” that He grants eternal life to whosever believies Him. He arose from the dead, conquered death that was brought into the world by Adam and Eve's Original Sin.

Almighty God entered into the world in the form of baby Jesus, who was born in a manger in Bethlehem. His mother was the Virgin Mary. His earthly dad was named Joseph. They were married and raised Jesus in Egypt, Africa and in Nazareth, Galilee in Israel.

As an adult, he spent much time ministering all over Israel, especially in Jerusalem - the national headquarters city

He died outside of Jerusalem's fortified walls, on a hill known as Golgotha and Cavalry. He was crucified by the Roman Empire, at the behest of Jerusalem's religious leaders who despised Him because He was hurting their corrupt coalition with the Romans.

They gave Him false charges of blasphemy, a crime punishable by death.

Christ died on the cross of crucifixion as a sacrifice for the world’s sins. Also that Jesus was resurrected from the dead after three days and now offers eternal life in the coming kingdom of God to those who believe in Him. (John 3:16; 1 Corinthians 15)

The Gospel represents historical facts and indisputable truths, though some anti-Christians and enemies of Christ try to disparage and deny that Jesus even ever lived.

Some people refuse to acknowledge or believe that He was crucified.

Others deny that Jesus Christ is the only true God and Savior.

The Only Way to Heaven is Through Jesus Christ

A hard pill to swallow for anti-Christians is what Jesus said about Him being the only gateway to heaven:

I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. (John 10:9)

I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.” (John 11:25)

I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6)

Christ Will Return to Give Final Judgment on Humanity as King of Kings, Lord of Lords

Almighty God in the person of Jesus Christ will return to earth in the latter days that are closer than many know, believe or think. Upon His return, He will resurrect the dead, win the Battle of Armageddon, establish the kingdom of God and hand out rewards and punishments.

Those who believe in Christ will be granted the gift of eternal life that is part of the gospel message. Those who do not believe in Jesus will be cast in to Hell - eternal torment in the lake of fire with the devil and the devil’s minions, (Revelation 20:10)

Humanity will see Christ in His kingly character, in a way that was not seen during his earthly ministry in Israel.


Knowing and believing the gospel of Jesus Christ means the difference between going to Heaven and going to Hell.

So, the Gospel aka the “good news” carries the power of salvation, redemption and eternal life.

Those who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior are promised eternal life with God in Heaven.

Not many people actually want to go to Hell and not knowing what the gospel is does not qualify as an excuse to avoid Hell. To be real with you, not accepting the gospel is a surefire way to go to Hell.

Almighty God in person, is the most important man to ever live.

To fully understand how the world works, one should know what the gospel of Jesus Christ is.

Believe in Him, ask him to change your life for the better. He will show you His love, mercy, forgiveness and the way to enter in to Heaven with Him in the approaching Kingdom of God.

Make that move, beloved. Become a believer in Christ Jesus. He choose you, and He never loses anyone who He selected.

Make your selection to accept His call. Make that move.

Other sources from the Holy Bible: (1 Thessalonians 4:16; Matthew 16:27; 2 Timothy 4:8; Revelation 20; Revelation 16:16, 19:16-21)



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