God is going to trouble the waters, beloved. He is going to return to earth to judge and reward everyone, living or dead.
Where will you be when the trouble or reward time comes? Will you sink or swim?
I am a pretty good swimmer. We can show you how to swim. We are more than happy to. It is our responsibility to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you are willing to learn.
When God troubles the waters, trust me, you want to be with Him, on His good side, in His good grace. You do not want to be in rebellion against the Lord when you see His face.
And you and I will see His face, unmistakably recognizable, in all His glory. Just you wait and see. This is not something that is a mystery, or that only I am saying. This is prophesy from the Holy Bible. And no prophesy in the Bible has ever failed.
Failure in life, though, is rebellion against God. No matter what successes you have achieved.
And, you are in rebellion if you do not believe in Him. He is going to trouble your waters. End of sentence.

How do you know if you are in rebellion against Jesus, who said, and I'm paraphrasing, without adding or taking away from the Holy Bible, that no man can enter the Kingdom of Heaven without going with Him.
That means, dear reader, that if you believe in Allah or Islam, then you are in rebellion. If you believe in Buddha, then you are in rebellion. If you believe in Santa Claus, then you are in rebellion.
Atheist? Rebellion.
Witchcraft? Rebellion.
Wicca? Rebellion.
Apostate? Rebellion.
Lucifer? A whole 'nother level of rebellion.
If you are with Him, your troubled waters will stop flowing under the bridge of life, in favor of still waters.

The Lord is our rock-solid bridge over troubled waters. He leads us beside the still waters. That we may drink from the wells of eternal life giving powers in Jesus's name.
There is power in the name of the Lord, Christ Jesus. Jesus is His name. He's more than a name in print, a name on the wall, a name on a billboard. There is power in the name of Jesus.
Demons tremble at the name. When you evoke Jesus, the demons flee faster than the young Usain Bolt.
Call on Him, if you profess the Lord. Call Him up. If you do not profess the Lord, then start calling on the name of Jesus.
He will dry up your troubled waters.
God's going to trouble the waters. You need to be ready when He does.
Learn about how He created the world, the first man and woman. Learn about His prophets, His own life and ministry in the form of Jesus Christ. Study and know His standards for living, to show yourself approved of the Lord.
Learn about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Learn all that you can about the Lord.
Long live the Gospel of Jesus Christ!