Is Bill Gates really a tyrannical maniac with a false Messiah personality in the mold of Adolf Hitler’s God Complex?
Many people say that he has the signs, symptoms, traits and genes. That he is hellbent on depopulating the world by any means necessary including toxic vaccines, food, psychological manipulation and whatever else he thinks might prosper as a weapon against people he wants gone from the face of the earth.
Many people say that he is hellbent on fulfilling his late father’s delusional eugenics and world population control schemes – acting as the “world’s doctor" - but dropped out of Harvard to establish Microsoft.
"He may be a doctor for computer repair but he is not a doctor for humans," the saying goes.
Hitler, one of history’s most reviled men, was officially diagnosed by doctors as a delusional psychopath who was molded into believing himself to be the “Aryan master race Messiah.”
Gates’ psychological profile may be similar to the Holy Bible’s description of a tyrannical, megalomaniac, psychopath with a Messiah complex. That is, Satan - the fallen angel - who masquerades as an “angel of light” (Job 2:2; Isaiah 14:12; 2 Corinthians 11:14; 1 Peter 5:8; Revelation 12:12).
Child of a Eugenicist
Raised under his father Bill Gates Sr.’s wings, Junior learned the niceties of being an elite eugenicist. His father was a well-known elite eugenicist with ties to IBM – a company historically alleged to have funded the German Nazi Party.
Bill Gates Sr. was very influential in establishing Planned Parenthood – an organization established in New York by Margaret Sanger. In April 2021, Planned Parenthood leader Alexis McGill denounced Sanger as being a proven eugenicist-racist.
Gates Sr. also reportedly ran the Cold Spring Harbor eugenics laboratory in NYC.

ABOVE: Bill Gates Sr. in an undated photo
Head of the New World Globalist Foundations
In May 2021, Infowars' Alex Jones reported that Gates is “incredibly powerful” – the “head man” for all of the major New World Order “globalist” foundations – being handed the wheel by the late David Rockefeller.
Jones may be wrong about Gates. But he also may be right.
If so, Gates is in effect the CEO of a highly elite global corporation comprised of regularly tax-exempt foundations including IBM, Rockefeller, Carnegie and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
In the 1980’s, Gates and his now former wife led the Bill and Melinda Gates Institution for Population Control. The name has since changed to Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health, located at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Masqueraded Angel of Philanthropy
Masquerading as a benevolent philanthropist, an angel of light, a do-right disciple with powerful media friends has allowed Gates, Jr. many opportunities at public relations. In reality, he has declared that real hamburger beef should replace with synthetic beef, that there will be multiple pandemics and vaccines to come, and that the global population can be reduced by 15%.
Jones has reported on Bill Gates giving $30 billion - from 1999 to 2007 - to “population reduction groups” including the U.N. Population Fund and Planned Parenthood.
In 2020 and 2021 Gates’ friends in the media began a sustained public relations “fact-checking” campaign whereby well-documented statements about Gates were presented as “out of context” or “conspiracy theories.”
Described as being an anti-American control freak, an enemy of humanity bent towards world domination, Gates public population control speeches may reveal an out-of-control false Messiah thought process typical of tyrannical maniacs like Adolf Hitler – who was the protégé of occultists like Dietrick Eckart.
Very rarely if ever mentioned by cultists is the Gospel of Jesus Christ - the historical fact that the Lord was crucified, died, was buried, resurrected, ascended into Heaven and now offers His believers eternal life in the kingdom of God.
Long live the Gospel!
