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I AIN'T NO QUITTER: Quitting Is a Pandemic You Must Faithfully Fight Through and Overcome


Quitting is a pandemic, a disease to be overcome at a fast pace

Quitting is a revolving door that hits you in the face

Quitting leaves bruises, scars and social repercussions

Quitting is the devil's recruiting for prospects in discussion

You cannot prospectively break me or get me to yield

When the going gets tough the tough get on the field

Quitting is a bitter pill for the ill who need Jesus but refuse Him

Quitting is a surefire way to eventually lose Him

There are clubs for quitters to swallow in their sorrows

It is healthy to share your depression on every tomorrow

But do not quit, bounce back in the name of God

Do not be a hypocrite, live that what you trod

Or is your speech that facade like Herod?

If it is then you do not love God

You said you wanted it and we put you to the test

You did not flinch, you remained among the Elect

Even through your stone cold monastery-like isolation

You bespoke the Word of God even after it touched all nations

The LORD lifted you, His Spirit did abound with abundancy

You ran the marathon like a sprint with redundancy

Quitting is a pandemic, a disease to be overcome at a fast pace

Quitting is a revolving door that hits you in the face

Quitting leaves bruises, scars and social repercussions

Quitting is the devil's recruiting for prospects in the discussion



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