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Writer's pictureReginald Spann

BREAKING: King David Publishes His 23rd Psalm today in Jerusalem, Israel

Circa 1950: A painting of Emperor of Ethiopia Haile Selassie I, the last monarch to claim the throne of King David. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images). All Ethiopians Emperors claimed descent from King David through the union of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba.

CITY OF DAVID, Israel (CC) - Israel's King David knows a thing or two about shepherding, and today he released his 23rd Psalm, one that was penned as a metaphor for the wonders of God, the Good Shepherd.

"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want," the King said, quoting the first line of his latest psalm.

The metaphorical revelation of God being a shepherd is fully understood by the former shepherd boy, who was anointed future King of Israel by the prophet Samuel, while still a ruddy child with a beautiful countenance living in Bethlehem.

David's anointing took place despite his father, Jesse, offering seven other older sons for Samuel to anoint.

But the Lord picked David, a choice that again showed the Lord's infallible nature.The Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward.

David became King Saul's armor bearer and harp player who had a gift to calm Israel's first king's evil spirit.

Saul, however, later turned against David and sought to have him slain. This, after David had grown in popularity among the Israelites after slaying the Philistine giant Goliath.

It took the God-inspired brilliance of the former shepherd boy turned warrior-king, psalmist, player of instrument and spiritual dancer, to pen a metaphor that perfectly describes the bond between Almighty God, the Good Shepherd and His sheep.

The King wanted his audience to e still, be quiet, so that when God calls us, we will follow Him, like sheep do their shepherd.

The Shepherd is sometimes isolated, except for His sheep. As a shepherd boy, the young David, future King of Israel, knew how to fight off wild animals like lions and wolves that hunted sheep in Israel.

Shepherds had to know how to fight, with rods, staffs, sticks and stones - any weapon the Lord would allow them to form.

This is also reflected in the 23rd Psalm.

Remember that David slew the Philistine giant, Goliath, an enemy of the Lord's army, with smooth stones and a sling. Then, he took the giant's sword and presented it to King Saul. Imagine how the Philistines fled when they saw that.

When the King was a boy, he was deemed only worthy to bring his brothers food on the front lines of the battlefield. But when he saw the armies of the Lord being disrespected by the enemy, he leaped into action

With a sling and a stone, he slew Goliath down in the valley at the height of the Israeli-Philistine war, as the soldiers were arrayed on mountains opposite the plain.

Now, not only is he Israel's beloved King, who has obtained everlasting favor of the Lord, having his own royal lineage established - the House of David - he is one of the most prolific writers in all of the world.

We present you, his 23rd Psalm:



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