ABOVE: Pope Francis spearheads an Interfaith Moven
“He who sacrifices to any god, except to the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed (Exodus 22:20).
Do you believe that every religion, no matter what name you ascribe to God, leads to Heaven? The ludicrous lie, believed by many, is that Muslims, Buddhists, pagans, Hindus, Zoroastrians, Satanists and Christians are "brothers and sisters" praying to the same God.
the big lie
The OSS psychological profile of Hitler described his use of the big lie:
His primary rules were to never allow the public to cool off, never admit a fault or wrong, never concede that there may be some good in your enemy, never leave room for alternatives, never accept blame, concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong.
People will believe a big lie sooner than a little one and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.
Goebbels did describe the big lie in different language in an article he wrote in 1941, “Churchill’s Lie Factory,” but he was accusing the British of the ploy:
The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big and stick to it. They keep up their lies even at the risk of looking ridiculous.
Randall Bytwerk argues that neither Hitler nor Goebbels would admit to lying.
Goebbels “always maintained that propaganda had to be truthful. That doesn’t mean he didn’t lie but it would be a pretty poor propagandist who publicly proclaimed that he was going to lie.”
Goebbels saw Hitler the Fuhrer as god.
No different from the idolatry that Almighty God punished the Israelites for.
God does not tolerate any beliefs in other gods apart from Him.
When pagans try to live in the midst of the Israelites what happened?
The Lord commanded that those people be destroyed – and they were. The Philistines were allowed to exist as punishment because the Israelites did not attempt to defeat them upon entering the Promised Land.
Roman Catholicism legitimizes prayers to other deities or religious ideals, silencing the prophetic message of Scripture that we either serve the biblical God or idols.
The Holy Bible in the prophetic books of Daniel and The Revelation tells us about a one-world religious system that will come together in the last days leading to the return of Jesus Christ.
This one-world religion is known as the Interfaith Movement that is spearheaded by the United Nations and the Roman Catholic Church.
A tangible kingdom on earth.
A just, peaceful and sustainable world.
The world region is designed to support the world government. Sustainable Development signed-on to 2015. Transform sovereign nations into a global nation governed and controlled by the United Nations – the seat of Satan’s world government.
Jesus Christ is the one true God.
There is no such thing as worshiping the same spirit being. This is the Big Lie. Muslims, Jews, Satanists, pagans do not believe that Jesus Christ is God – so there can be no worshiping the same spirit being if Jesus Christ is not the one being worshiped.
The goal is to get an umbrella religion to support the political side of the New World Order global government.
This is nothing more than the Roman Empire on steroids. The Holy Roman Empire was co-ruled by a political leader and a religious leader – originated by the Charlemagne-Pope Leo rule that was inaugurated in the year 800 AD and lasted until 1800 AD.
The Lord does not condone the one-world religious system enacted by the interfaith movement. The world’s political governing body, the United Nations, supports the interfaith movement – under the guise of establishing world peace.
If Jesus Christ is not only focus of worship, then you are heading down the wrong path.